calm before the storm

when someone you love hurts, you hurt. when they grieve, you grieve. when they are helpless, you must step in.

we are all doing life together. “it takes a village” are the truest words ever spoken. we cannot manage life alone. friends, family, church… all of these are avenues to get help when you need it.

if you are sad, lonely, broken - reach out to someone. these feelings are sometimes signs that a bigger storm is coming. the people in your life want to be there for you. it is not a burden, but a pleasure to help someone else when they need it. we all know that to receive you must give - and you never know when the tide turns and you are the one that needs a hand.

taking the time to notice when someone needs you is not always easy. be present. listen. ask questions. the greatest gift you can give someone is a moment of your time.


curve ball

